Lily Field Christian Montessori Community

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Great news!!  We have received our non-profit status!  All our donors can now claim their gifts to our mission as tax deductible!  The search for a grant writer to get us stablilized is critical now, as we need to find a home building and develop our staff! If you are a writer, or know of one who can help us find a home for this mission, please call the school to talk with Shirley and the Board!

We would like to thank the following individuals and organizations in their extraordinary support of time, money or services for Lily Field Christian Montessori Community's Mission:

Stephanie Lorenson, CPA

Acme Construction Supply Co., Inc.

Tom Wright - Group Mackenzie Architects

Paul Weber - Group Mackenzie Architects

Helen Peterson - Chehalem Rehab Center, for donations of materials for exercises, and for maintaining craigslist for enrollment and for the Book Sale.

Ms. Irene R. Galindo donor for daily costs of Lily Field.

Anonymous donor from the midwest school system, noting, "I wanted to promote the mission you are providing for the families of your area." The multiple gifts have been used ot keep the school alive for the past six months." 

All of the parents who have sent their children to our school, and who continue to support our mission every day.