Lily Field Christian Montessori Community

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Our Vision

Lily Field Christian Montessori Community offers a haven of peace for children within today's fast-paced and often violent society. Our vision for the primary/kindergarten child is to reveal and model for the child about the God of love. Our family setting provides a safe place to explore and learn from our mistakes confidently.

God is real!  He created us and knows us personally.  Students learn how He loves and sustains us, and cares about our needs.  The Montessori Method inherently communicates the concept that our living Triune God is the center, the foundation of daily life.  The child begins to trust, love and care, growing daily in their belief that Jesus is their Savior, and that we are all in His constant care.  Our goal is to show children a God so loving, real and lovable, that a relationship with Him is the normal course of life.

Lily Field exists to glorify God through the modeling of Biblical principles for the child to practice in a Christ-center community.  The classroom will be an environment which reveals faith, Biblical instruction, and personal conduct integrated into a pattern of daily living through prayer, praise, and example.  It is within this environment that Christian character is nurtured and developed, and children receive a foundation for joyful confidence in learning and caring for God's world, themselves, and their fellow human beings.  Our school admits students of any race, color, national, or ethnic origin, modeling God's love for all His creation.  As the children learn of God's love and compassion toward each of us, they live compassionately toward others, now and into adulthood.

Lily Field strives as a high priority to guide each child to discover, develop, and use their God-given gifts.  We believe that a quality education includes the elements of a prepared environment under the guidance of an AMI (Association Montessori Internationale) trained Guide, in an active partnership with the parents of the children and a strong reliance on a clear, Biblical presentation of the Gospel as the inerrant Word of God, not delineated by denominational doctrines.  Therefore, each teacher, administrator, staff, and board member at Lily Field Christian Montessori Community will need to be a Christian, signing a Statement of Faith Commitment to support this vision.

A Commitment to Community Service 

Lily Field provides a means for local Christians and other supporters to reach out to parents and children in our community.  An advisory Board composed of twelve parents, our Guide, and a Christian Pastoral Consult guide Lily Field.  We promote the Christian Montessori environment to demonstrate a strong and effective witness to the community.  We are a family-oriented community, supporting and reinforcing Biblical Christian values that can be taught and practiced at home. Daily sharing with parents the events and work of the day brings closer and consistent in the plans made for each individual student.

As a mission started and supported by Christian parents and educators in the local community, we believe that the Christian Montessori environment will be a strong and effective witness to those parents not yet a part of Christ's kingdom on earth.  The school will be a supporting and reinforcing element for Christian values that are being taught and practiced at home, as well as a Christian witness to families in the community whose children do not attend the school.